USA Swimming Trainings

Our priority is keeping athletes safe.  Trainings help keep this information fresh and up-to-date.  It takes Parents, Athletes and Coaches doing their part to keep our team as safe as possible for every athlete.  Please do your part.

Parent Trainings

  • Complete Online Training every 18 months - 
    • Go to
    • Click on Parents/Volunteers.
    • Click on View Info. Course " Parents Guide to Misconduct in Sport"
    • Click on Start.
    • Click on Login; You will be prompted to login or create a login if you are not currently a member.
    • Click on Start.
    • Once the course is complete click on the “Submit Button” and complete the survey at the end of the course.
    • To download the certificate, click on view transcript and click on the course “Download Certificate” button. (Sometimes it takes the system a little bit to update. Click Ctrl+Shift+R to refresh the screen or you may need to log out and then back in again later).  Email this certificate to [email protected] for 1 service hour. 
  • The SafeSport Training for Adult Athlete course is an optional course that covers the specific areas of boundaries and power dynamics between adult athletes and adult coaches.
  • Attend zoom parent training events


Athlete Trainings - 12-17 years


Athlete Trainings - 18+ years

  • Athletes over 18 must complete
  • The SafeSport™ Trained Core course is the requirement and covers the key topics that the congressional mandate said that youth sport organizations need to educate about.  Athletes ages 18 and older are required to take this course due to their potential contact with minor athletes.


Coach Trainings

  • Register with USA Swimming
  • Complete Background Check
  • Complete Athlete Protection Training (& complete refresher annually)
  • Complete reference checks in hiring process
  • Participate in ongoing staff trainings throughout the year
  • Complete CA Mandatory Reporting Training
  • Complete CA Sexual Harrassment Training


Board Members, Staff Members, and Key Volunteers

  • Register with USA Swimming
  • Complete Background Check
  • Complete Athlete Protection Training