Service Hours FAQ

What’s the minimum number of service hours my family is obligated to complete?

Each family is asked to complete a minimum number of hours per family, NOT per swimmer. The number of hours is based on the highest level of swimmer on QSS. Feel free to complete more hours than "required." We thank you in advance for all your help. Service hours accrue at 1.50hrs per month starting Sept (or from join date) through June.


  • Pre-Comp Levels
  • (Lil Qs, Pre-Comp)
  • AG1, AG2
0 hours
  • AG3, AG4, AG5
  • Bronze - all levels
  • Silver - all levels
  • Gold - all levels

15 hours



TIMING AT MEETS: In addition to job sign ups, parents will be expected to help time for meets in which their swimmer is competing. Each family is responsible for covering one 1-hour shift per session their swimmer in competing.

How can I sign up for jobs to complete my service hour obligation?

  • Jobs will be posted on the QSS website QSS team website under "Upcoming Events".  You will need to be logged into your QSS account to activate the "Job Sign up" button.
  • If job sign-up is open, you will be able to check a box next to an open job.  Be sure to SAVE your job selection before leaving the page.
  • If you change your mind, uncheck the box and click save to remove yourself from the job.
  • Once the job sign-up is closed you must find a replacement if you can no longer fulfill the job. If you are "no show" and do not find a replacement your account will be billed.
  • If the job sign-up is not yet opened, you will be prompted to check back at a later time.        

How do I get credit for completing my job?

It is your responsibility to make sure you check in with the “Job Check-in” crew member (wearing the BLUE Safety Vest). A Job Check-in crew member will be at each QSS hosted event as well as non-QSS hosted meets (in the event we do not have a Check-in crew member at non-QSS hosted meet, you may check-in for your timing shift at the Coaches' tent). The crew member will make note of your arrival and departure time (yes, you get credit when your shift runs over). The check-in sheet will be submitted to the Service Hour Coordinator who will ensure your hours post to your account.


When can I expect my service hours to post to my account?

All attempts will be made to have hours posted by the 15th of the following month. We thank you for your patience.

How can I check my service hours?

  • Click on My Account on the left side of the page.
  • Click on Account Info  
  • Click the Service Hour Tab  

Be sure to check your account for accuracy each month (after the 15th would be best). Notify [email protected] if there are any errors.


On a rare occasion, you may be asked to help with a job not posted on either online line sign up. Be sure to submit a timely email to [email protected] .

Information needed: Title Email "Off-Line Service Hour Credit"

- Account Name and Swimmer Name

- Job description of what was completed

- Date completed and How many hours

- Name of person authorizing or requesting the job


What should I do if I notice an error in my service hours?

Send an email to [email protected] Be sure to give a detailed explanation of the error including dates, location, times, job description, number of hours, etc. It is vital you include your QSS account first and last name which may be different from the person sending the email. Including the names of your swimmer(s) is helpful to ensure the correct account gets addressed.

Why did my account get billed for a "no show"?

When a member fails to show up for a job, or is late, resulting in the need of finding a replacement, your account will be billed $30/hr for the hours of the shift in question. We have many members on the team who need to complete service hours and when one person signs up for a job, it means someone else cannot. Keep in mind that anyone in your family (or friends for that matter) can cover your shift given they are of appropriate age and have the skill set needed for the job.

Once the job sign up deadline has passed, it is the responsibility of the member who signed up for the job to find a replacement if they are no longer be able to fulfill job. Sending an email stating you can no longer cover the shift is not acceptable

Buyout Option: If you would like to buyout your Service Hours for the year, you must do so at the beginning of the season (by September 25th 2024) or within the first 2 weeks of joining the team @ $25/hour. Please email our team manager at [email protected] to buy out hours. There is no Partial buy-out.  Buy out payments are due at the beginning of the swim year.  Families joining the team later in the year may buyout within 2 weeks of registration.

Unworked accrued Service Hours will be billed @ $35/Hr when dropping from team or at the end of the Season (July).
