Why Fundraise? 

The amount of revenue QuickSilver brings in from monthly and annual dues does not cover the complete cost of running the team.  In fact, the amount billed to our families is less than 80 percent of our total operating costs for the year.  With rising pool costs, the need to fund raise has increased more than ever. 

The November Annual Giving Campaign income is used for specific items, mainly meet equipment, that QuickSilver needs to run swim meets successfully.  For the AGC, a major potion of the donations come from company matching.  If you are able to donate, please be sure to check if your company matches donations.  QuickSilver Swimming is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

The February QSS Annual Fundraising income is used to meet the team’s most pressing needs including training equipment, coaching recruitment and retention, and securing pool space.  Donations also go toward supporting the team’s day-to-day operating expenses.  Fundraising at QSS is a means of keeping swim team fees at a minimum. Throughout each year, we have several fundraising events to give us the opportunity to grow as a team. 

In order to meet our goal, all families must participate in fundraising and accept the responsibility to achieve this goal. Fundraising also encourages families to become involved in their children's activities and provides opportunities for us to create and sustain a strong team.  Our goal is 100% participation by all families and coaches.  For information concerning QSS Annual Fundraising, please contact [email protected]

All donations from company sponsors and are tax deductible.