Code of Conduct

All athletes and parents must sign-off on the QuickSilver and USA Swimming Code of Coduct during annual electronic registration.  All members of QuickSivler are expected to abide by all policies and represent QuickSilver with integrity.

Athlete Code of Conduct

The purpose of our conduct policy is to ensure that every swimmer is provided an environment that allows them the opportunity to  reach their individual goals.

  • I agree to follow all rules in the USA Swimming Code of Conduct.
  • I will listen and not be disruptive to other swimmers or coaches. I will not use inappropriate or abusive language, obscene gestures, or any bullying behavior.
  • I will strive for my goals, aid teammates in achieving their goals, and help toward QSS team goals.
  • I will represent QSS with pride, team spirit, good sportsmanship, and politeness.
  • I will follow directions from coaches and team chaperones.
  • I will respect and follow instructions at team events.
  • I will respect QSS, swimmers, coaches, parents and competitors in all forms of Social Media communications (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). In the event I need to contact a coach, I will also add a second swimmer and coach or my parent or guardian on all communication to be in compliance with Safe Sport policies.
  • I will not use alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs. I will not use any substances banned by FINA and/or USA Swimming.
  • I will respect and care for the property of others. I will not vandalize, cause damage to property, or theft.
  • I will notify my coach if I need to leave early from practice or a swim meet.

By joining QSS, each swimmer agrees to follow all QSS and USA Swimming rules including the Code of Conduct.

Being a member of USA Swimming and QuickSilver Swimming is a privilege. Membership may be withdrawn or denied by USA Swimming at any time if the swimmer (or parent’s conduct) is inconsistent with the mission of the organization or the best interest of the sport and those who participate in it. (USA-S 304.1)

Swimmers may be denied membership, censured, placed on probation, suspended for a definite or indefinite period of time with or without terms of probation, fined or expelled from USA Swimming if such member violates the provisions of the USA-S Code of Conduct, set forth in 304.3, or aids, abets or encourages another person to violate any of the provisions of the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. QuickSilver Swimming abides by all USA Swimming rules and regulations. Violation of QSS policies may result in suspension, explosion, probation, or disciplinary actions from the Board of Directors or Coaches.