We are excited about the key program elements that make our team special. Swimming is a sport where we work hard for seasons at a time to peak about three times a year; it is critical that we provide our swimmers a chance to see the rewards for all their hard work by attending target meets for each season. 

Together, we have the ability to make QuickSilver Swimming one of the best teams around! Please join us in this quest. Thank you all for joining us in this wonderful endeavor! 


QuickSilver General Team Q&A


Should my child compete?

How do we sign up for meets?

What types of meets do swimmers attend?

Required Equipment

Travel Meets

Travel Packing List

Parents on deck policy

How do I become an official?

Drop Policy

Service Hours

Payments & Disputes

Concussion Protocol

Website tutorials





Should my child compete?

We encourage our swimmers to compete at swim meets.  Nothing will take the wind from a swimmer's sails like training for an entire season only to miss their best shot at their goals because they could not attend their target swim meet. To that end we have provided a calendar with our team meets and ask that each family work with their swimmer’s coach to get the best plan in place for their swimmers.

Signing Up for Meets

First step: create a Fastwims account.  We are Zone 1 South, and approximately three weeks prior to a meet, you will receive an electronic notification about meet openings.  Due to sessions reaching capacity fast, please sign up your swimmer as soon as possible.   Please have a conversation with your swimmer’s coach about what events your child should swim.   

Types of Swim Meets

Micro Meets

CBA+ Swim Meets

Qualifying Meets

Western and National Level Swim Meets

Team Travel Meets

Team Travel Meets

It has become a QSS tradition to travel at least twice a year.   First, in December, when qualified swimmers attend high-level competitive meet.  In year’s past, we have traveled to Arizona, but this year we are excited to be taking 89 swimmers to compete in Kauai.  Qualifying swimmers also travel to compete at higher qualifying meets like Zone All Stars (ZAM), Western Zones, among others.   Our Clovis Team Training Trip, our week-long travel trip happens in June - 

culminates with the Summer Slam meet, for those on the competition roster.   Team travel is great for team bonding, making new friends and swimming against different swimmers from outside of our region. Click here to view our team travel page. 


Important Parent Rules


  • Parents at Practice: No parents on deck - For all sites (other than SCVCC), parents are allowed to watch practices every-other Friday of the month starting in September.  Otherwise, parents are not permitted on deck.  Drop-off and pick-up only in designated areas.  We hope that you will appreciate that a parent’s presence at practice is often distracting to the swimmer and coach.
  • No photography on deck - Due to U.S. Safe Sport policies, parents may not engage in photography or videography at practices.  At swim meets, photography and videography are not permitted from the starting end of the competition pool.