Monthly Dues

Monthly Dues are billed on the 1st of each month.  Payment is accepted by credit card (plus $5 processing fee) or ACH.  

Year in Full Dues 

Families can opt-in to pay their athlete's group dues for the year in full.  Parents will select this option in July at registration and complete the payment in full on September 1.  The year in full dues are discounted compared to monthly dues, but non-refundable.  This option is only available for returning families; parents should only select this option if they are sure their athlete(s) will continue to swim for the year as we cannot honor refunds or prorating for year in full dues.  The year in full dues includes the $100 mid-year annual fee.  

Annual Account Dues

  • $375 Family Registration Fee (adjusted August 2, 2023)
  • $100 Mid-Season Annual Fee in February
  • For service hours, a buyout option is available at the start of the season (By Oct 1st) or within the first month of joining.

Late Payment

Payments are due on the first of the month and are late after the tenth of the month and will automatically be charged a $20 late fee.  If your credit card is expiring, please login and update your information in advance. 


If your athlete is active and you are disputing a payment through your account...

  • Please ensure you have communicated with our team manager in advance at [email protected].  Disputes based on not fulfilling service hours, missing priority registration windows, monthly dues, etc. are valid charges and required for an athlete to be eligible to swim.  Please refer to the policies that you, as parent or guardian of your athlete, signed off on during the team registration.
  • If your athlete plans to continue swimming, your account must be in good standing by the 1st of the following month.  The access cost (+$20 late fee) will be added to your account. 
  • If you put in a dispute with your bank, you will need to call your bank to remove the dispute prior to the 1st of the following month.

If your athlete dropping from the team and you are diputing a payment through your account...

  • Please ensure you have communicated with our team manager in advance at [email protected].  Disputes based on not fulfilling service hours, missing priority registration windows, etc. are valid charges and required for an athlete to be eligible to swim.  Please refer to the policies that you, as parent or guardian of your athlete, signed off on during the team registration.
  • You must close out your account in full upon dropping from the team.  Drops are closed out by the end of the month. 
  • If you put in a dispute with your bank, you will need to call your bank to remove the dispute by the end of the month.  Any remaining balance would remain on your account with a late charge and may be handed to an authorized credit collector.